Monday, 1 March 2010

Class Notes 01.03.2010

Objectives Learned Today in Class:
Sound ---> new layer ---> import ---> import sound to library ---> drag sound to stage

Background Sound - can be used just to have background music playing during animation
Button Sound - can start or stop sound with clicking a button

To get change status of button sound ---> Sym. Edit Mode --->Properties ---> Sync ---> Start/Stop

Streaming File from Outside:
- has to be mp3 file
- has to be linked with where the sound file actually is

Storyboarding: an exercise in effective communication -- what is there and what is not there -- balance between information and communication

Evidence of Research: inspiration for animation -- other Flash animations that have things you want to do in your own animation

- should include a frame by frame breakdown (or scene by scene)
- MUST HAVE timetable!
- could also have a flow chart

Design: make sure it looks professional and is easy to navigate

Production Timetable: shows what you are going to accomplish week by week

Aim/Rationale: explains what your project is all about and what you want to accomplish

Things that NEED to be in the Storyboard:
- production timetable
- aim/rationale
- final visual style -- including fonts and colors
- description/narrative of navigation
- show 'hot spots' of what is actually being interactive

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