Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Class Notes 22.02.2010

Objectives Learned in Class on Monday:
Importing Documents ---> file ---> import (can keep layers or flatten image)

Control Example -- methods of control -- code to use for project

Fade ---> color effect ---> change alpha percentage (shape tween)
- If you want to fade the whole screen, create a box and fade the box instead of individual items -- alpha change as well.

Add Extra Instances ---> action script ---> copy and paste single line for all quadrants ---> rename and make sure code matches up
Example - front_mc.x - = 12;
front_mc - instance name
x - quadrant
12 - speed

Interactive Animation - user input; engagement, choice

Lev Manovich - Language of New Media
- "Interactivity is a tautolgy" - stating the obvioius; anything that is on a computer screen is interactive
- danger of 'equating interactivity with physical interaction at the expense of psychological (cognitive) interaction'
- employ identification, recall - get viewer/audience to be intrigued and want to know what comes next ---> Towards an Aesthetic of The Interactive (CADE Remix)

Alan Peacock - Quality of Interaction
'Interactivity' VS 'The Interactive'
- engagement - inadvertent vs deliberant
- consistency - predictability vs unpredictability
- cursality -

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